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Intelligent Spec Management with Procore

Manage your specifications...smarter.

Never again will you need to organize, mark up, or distribute hundreds or thousands of specification pages. Procore provides the only spec management tool designed specifically for general contractors to spend less time managing specs, and more time getting work done.

With the new Specifications Tool, Pete Zafros from EYA was able to drastically reduce the number of steps it took to find specs. “We had seven different documents, in seven different folders in the documents tab that contained all of our spec information. Not only did you have to search in seven different places, but it wasn’t easy to search or to find specs, especially for those on mobile phones in the field.” Now, Pete and his team can easily access specs from his Procore spec management dashboard, along with all other pertinent, job-related information.

Procore’s new Specs Tool allows you to:

Increase Field Productivity
Work Off Accurate Specs
Organize without Hassle
Find Specs within Seconds
Amy Mallet of ICS Consulting previously used BlueBeam for specifications. Tired of wasting time bookmarking each project manual and then painstakingly searching for specs, they integrated Procore’s newest intelli-scan Spec Tool.

This alleviated a few of their biggest pain points:

-Training. Not all users were proficient enough with BlueBeam to handle bookmarking. With Procore, all their specs are in one easy-to-find location.

-Manpower. ICS Consulting did not have the staff necessary to accomplish this time-consuming task. Procore allows anyone on the project team to easily input or access specs–no training required.

-Accessibility. Bookmarks did not transfer to mobile devices so field staff had to spend countless hours searching for their spec, which they bookmarked on their desktop. If they didn’t have an Internet connection, they couldn’t access the specs at all. Procore's spec management tool allows team members to access specs on their mobile devices, online or off.