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BIMForum Brought to You

Procore’s Continuing Education organization is excited to offer our newest course series, in partnership with AGC’s BIMForum. This series includes eight courses from the 2017 BIMForum conferences in Dallas and San Diego.

The series is best suited for those who are learning about BIM and want to learn best practices for everything from coordination and prefabrication to securing data and LODs. Completing this series will earn you eight continuing education units!

Click here and get started now.

Here’s a description of a few of the courses included in this series so you know what you're getting into:

Validating Coordination for a Seamless Hand-Off

Virtual coordination is only as good as the field installation that follows it. With 3D Coordination now a commonplace on most large vertical construction projects, the industry as a whole is bumping into a seldom talked about challenge in construction – quality assurance. We spend tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in man-hours developing detailed coordination models to enable prefabrication, reduce our schedule risks, and hopefully offer a higher level of quality to our clients. But, how much time do we spend validating that what gets installed actually matches what we coordinated? Why does it matter? Coordination issues that are found in models may not exist in drawings, and even worse, coordination issues that appear in drawings may not appear in your standard 3D coordination workflows. In this course, we explore the need for tools and processes to be as innovative as our designs, especially as projects become more competitive and complex.

Prefabrication: The Changing Face of Engineering and Construction

In this course, you will hear from Ethan Cowles as he presents key findings of the FMI 2017 Industry Prefabrication Study conducted in collaboration with BIMForum. You will learn how using BIM on mid-rise wood framed projects continues to provide enhanced project clarity for all stakeholders. You’ll also get an overview of prefabrication best practices and start thinking about how you can create a culture of innovation and encourage the adoption of prefab at your firm.

Owners and BIM - Getting What You Need

What owners want are BIM deliverables they can use. Many owners move forward requiring BIM without defining what they want or why they want it. The results are often unsatisfactory (and costly). An owner’s best chance at receiving useful BIM deliverables is to determine what they want, how they want to use it and then contracting to get it.

Check out all of our courses anytime by visiting education.procore.com.