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Reaching New Heights in General Contractor and Specialty Contractor Relationships

The dynamics in play when it comes to successful general contractor and specialty contractor interactions have shifted dramatically. Sophisticated technology-based products, in most cases, dictate the planning and orchestration of modern building, making specialty contractors indispensable. Construction success today depends on the general contractor cooperating with and coordinating the activities of selected specialty contractors at every level, on all projects, without exception.

The dawn of a new era for diverse contractor relationships

Gone are the days when "subs" were considered a necessary evil and treated with a touch of irritation – even disdain. Mutual respect in the sub-contractual hiring arena increasingly drives the speed and efficiency of project completion. Optimizing your communications with specialty contractors relies on applying cutting-edge construction management software that's mobile, easy to use, and, of course, accurate. Omnichannel engagement is the name of the game.

“GCs know we’re going to be an easy company to work with. If you have Procore, you’re probably an efficient and organized company. I think GCs find a lot of value in their subcontractors using Procore.”

Communication dynamics on the construction site

Here's a list of items every busy entity in the construction business should have at the front, center, and back of its agenda when dealing with specialty contractors:

  • Communication is everything. Don't compromise it, or let it slip. It's your umbilical cord to a smooth and profitable construction process.
  • Face facts - the way you connect to your subcontractors may not be the way they want to communicate with you. Adjustments to your timing, message, and medium of communication make all the difference. Quickest time to value resonates with everyone, so why not leverage communication power for all it's worth?
  • The Holy Grail is delivering the right message for every conversation. It may be a tall order considering the construction industry complexities, but getting there is possible.
  • Take advantage of everything that fast-moving digital and online innovation offers and discover the digital tools structured specifically for your industry. The latter does not erase face-to-face meetings, phone calls, and emails – they prioritize them, and frequently provide alternatives that better suit both parties.

Digital software options in the General Contractor and Specialty Contractor arena

Companies like Procore that offer leading, end-to-end solutions in real-time, are at the forefront of this vital debate. Their software applications generate an array of groundbreaking benefits, with instant response capability arguably at the top of the list. It replaces staggered telephone-tag, allowing calm consideration to replace crisis reactions, frustration, and stress. Some of the other immediate, globally proven improvements converge on hot spots like always paying the specialty contractor the right amount of money, on time. In combination, they preempt and therefore avoid the majority of commonplace arguments centered around specialty contractor misreading or miscalculating job specifications.

“When general contractors see that we’re using Procore, it gives us credibility,” says Jacob Miller, VP of Operations/Masonry Project Manager at Miller Construction, explaining that with Procore, they have greater confidence knowing invoices and change orders will be received on time.”

Aside from on-the-job streamlining of the media, the message, and their timing as a package, Procore understands the fundamental issues faced by specialty contractors from one job to the next. Procore knows that a specialty contractor arrangement working well in one situation may indeed be unworkable the next time around for any number of reasons. For example, one huge job change that disrupts past hiring parameters, time and again, is none other than a tighter budget.

Long-term continuity with a reliable partner is desirable, but unless both general contractor and specialty contractor are consistently on the same page, dissatisfaction and conflict are likely to emerge. Procore solutions facilitate an open line communication system that encourages transparency in all pivotal activities. Reasons for favoring one specialty contractor over another (i.e., previously kept in the dark, thus disrupting harmony) are exposed. In this way, both parties respect the other's thinking when it comes to bidding for and transitioning into new jobs. Creating insight consolidates stable relationships and allows us to navigate the ups and downs of a competitive industry.

Procore leading the way in Specialty Contractor Relationships

All-in-one applications in the construction space are available and affordable. They take "hit-or-miss" thinking out of processes and establish rewarding relationships that elevate strategic general contractor/specialty contractor teamwork. The more specialized the client requirements, the more imperative is the need to smooth out communication considerations. Procore is a standout company leading the charge, making a distinctive and meaningful difference in the industry with a single enterprise-grade platform.

“I don’t know what else, at least within my realm of knowledge, you could want out of a system. Procore has everything you need. It truly is a one-stop shop for any masonry contractor—and any subcontractor," says Miller.

To learn more about Procore’s resources for specialty contractors, check out: